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Shanthikumar Hettiarachchi – Ivar Flaten DIALOG Shanthikumar Hettiarachchi – Ivar Flaten DIALOG

Shanthikumar Hettiarachchi

A conversation about movements, dialogue and friendship
Publisert i Ypsilonsamtaler 15/10/2020
Shanthikumar Hettiarachchi is born and raised in a catholic family in Sri Lanka. We met in 2007 in Leicester when Shanthi was working at St Phillip’s Centre together with Andrew Wingate and Suleman Nagdi. (Both is presented in previous episodes of this podcast.) Shanthi is teaching both in Colombo and occasionally in Lahore, researching in the field of history of religious thought and practice. His work includes studies of the Hizmet movement which is also present here in Drammen where Shanthi has visited several times. In this podcast we talk about the present situation in Sri Lanka and the general dialogical work of helping people of different faith and convictions meet and talk. In a multi faith context, the identities are mixed and many – also in individuals. Shanthi is raised as a catholic christian, trained theologian, priest – and at the same time deeply immersed in buddhist thought.

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